Why Choose Automatics & Machinery Co. for Buying and Selling Used LATHES, PRECISION, JEWELERS, TOOLROOM, Etc.

Automatics & Machinery Co. is renowned for providing a comprehensive inventory of used LATHES, PRECISION, JEWELERS, TOOLROOM, and so on. We pride ourselves in sourcing equipment from top quality brands such as HARDINGE and MONARCH. Our commitment to delivering excellence ensures you buy equipment that will serve its intended purpose efficiently while selling your equipment at competitive market prices.


LATHES, PRECISION, JEWELERS, TOOLROOM, Etc. are utilized in a diverse range of applications. These versatile machines are primarily used in metalworking but find relevance in various industries such as woodworking, tool, die, and mold making. The precision and efficiency of these machines make them ideal for creating intricate pieces in jewelers' workshops or maintaining highly specialized toolroom applications.

Cost of Buying Used LATHES, PRECISION, JEWELERS, TOOLROOM, Etc. Equipment

Purchasing used LATHES, PRECISION, JEWELERS, TOOLROOM, etc. equipment can be more cost-effective compared to new ones without compromising on the machine's performance. The price can vary significantly, depending on the condition, brand, and the machine's specifications. At Automatics & Machinery Co., we present a wide range of options to cater to diverse client requirements and budget constraints, ensuring quality without being heavy on the pocket.

The Evolution of LATHES, PRECISION, JEWELERS, TOOLROOM, Etc. Equipment

LATHES, PRECISION, JEWELERS, TOOLROOM, Etc. equipment have a longstanding history, filled with numerous enhancements and adaptations. Initially, Lathes were simple, manual machines. Over time, they evolved into sophisticated machinery capable of executing complex tasks with extreme precision. Today, these machines are central to modern manufacturing and workshops, representing the culmination of centuries of innovation and advancement in technology.


Previously sold within LATHES, PRECISION, JEWELERS, TOOLROOM, Etc.